We are a funny lot, country people. We get excited about things like rain and even this new section of road. It wasn’t a long stretch of new bitumen, but all the same its still less gravel we have to travel along. Not much happens around here, so things like this are exciting for a little town. (Don’t let me get started on our curbing in town! Curbing…in Pingaring!!)
At work on Thursday we had some fella’s from Perth come down to train us, as we are Milne Feed reps, (easy lick) and one of the guys was from India. He was saying that after living in India, coming to Perth was a huge change. He couldn’t sleep because it was too quiet and he could hear the cockroaches! So if he thought Perth was a country place, imagine what he thought of our 5 house town!! First thing he said to me is ‘what do you do?’
I had to chuckle. What does he do in Perth?
Well one of the things we do is have fire truck training…or fire ute training.
This little beauty is on loan until our tiny town gets its new fire truck. A real truck. So Thursday afternoon, here we were gathered around in the rain learning how to work everything in case of a fire. In the rain!! Yes, we were. I think there was about seven of us, mostly local farmers and a couple of townies, getting to play with the hoses and switch on the sirens and lights. (yes, that was the best bit) Kids in a candy shop we were. Hopefully we never have to use it, especially this harvest as there is so much grass around after the wet year we’ve had.
And as for the Perth fella, well i’m yet to meet a country mum who’s not flat out with fifty million things on the go. Never a dull moment in the country. 🙂