Just a quick blog to do a ‘shout out’ to Cathryn Harris who has won the SA – Nokia Business Innovation Award for 2011.
As the Mount Gambier Library manager, I met Cathryn earlier this year when she organised for me to travel to their amazing library to talk about my recent book. It was a very quick trip, all I could allow with young kids, but none the less it was still a highlight! I was spoilt by Cathryn and her staff. So it’s come as no surprise that she has won this amazing award.
The library is very special and I wish we could all have one just like it. (I would live in it all day just about!!) So a huge hug for all your effort and ‘Congratulations, Cathryn.”
“No longer places where everyone has to be quiet, libraries are busy information centres that focus on customers and offer a place to meet friends for coffee, use the Internet and, of course, find the latest thriller.” – Cathryn Harris