Yes more pictures
Sunday, 17 July 2011
These two photos were taken by Sal Edwards. I really love the top one, Sal!! The three below are from Claire Hodgetts, and I got a heap more from her as well. Some great shots Claire, thanks. This is a photo I took a few years back, there is more road but for some reason
- Published in Family, The Road Home
Cover shots
Sunday, 10 July 2011
My publisher asked me which photos best captured my setting in The Road Home. Well these are just a few that do… This next one was taken by Shannon Morton, and is from the wheatbelt area. This next photo was sent in by Colleen Goodwill from her Bodalla Station. And the last one was from
- Published in Events, News, The Road Home, Uncategorized
Cover photo’s 2…
Saturday, 02 July 2011
I have a great collection of road photo’s in this next lot. Huge thank you’s to all who have taken the time to send them in!! The above photo’s were by Nicole Townsend, lots of road shots! Cheers. Below are two great shots from Annaliese Geddes in NSW. Very nice. The last two are from
- Published in Uncategorized
Cover photo’s cont…
Thursday, 30 June 2011
And more photo’s are coming in, so here’s the next few. I love the colours in this photo of Lee’s. Those were taken by Lee Beattie and the one below by Lyn Kaye. Now this next one dosn’t have a road but I had to share Jess Milne’s photo. It’s very close to her heart
- Published in Books, The Road Home
Photo’s for The Road Home
Monday, 27 June 2011
Already people have been so wonderful in wanting to share their photo’s. I hope we can find one the art department will want to use for the cover. Fingers crossed. If you have any sort of stunning pic with a road, please email it in and i’ll put it up. Here are a few so
- Published in Books, The Road Home
Cover photo
Sunday, 26 June 2011
My next book is at the editing stage…not long after that comes the cover design and looking for a great picture. I thought I would put the call out, as some of you may have a great photo that you have taken yourself and it would be great to see your own photo on a
Wednesday, 22 June 2011
This is my best mate Jacinta with her two horses Bluey and Tiger. She was travelling the 30-40km to meet the farrier at another farm and as it was nearby, I met her and went along. It takes me over twenty minutes to get to Jacinta’s farm so I don’t get to catch up with
- Published in Everyday Life
Articles & Interviews
Sunday, 19 June 2011
Just thought i’d share with you an interview I did with Booktopia. They have a brilliant website with lots of interviews from your favourite authors, so if you haven’t already…check them out. Lots of great stuff. And an article in the Herald Sun about rural authors! Go rural fiction!! *I need pom poms to shake
- Published in News, The Writer's Life
Thursday, 02 June 2011
Okay so us country folk get a bit excited about rain. (Okay, maybe a lot!!) And if you ever hear us chatting for example Fleur and myself on Twitter, we often ask about the rainfall. Why, because its a huge part of our lives. I guess in much the same as city folk may talk
- Published in Everyday Life
Lucky chooks
Sunday, 29 May 2011
Here is whats left of my hen’s feathers. The rest have blown away in the wind. My poor chooks are the delight for my neighbours dog. When my son went in to collect the eggs the dog pushed past and went after the chooks. I heard my son screaming from the house and thought he’d
- Published in Everyday Life, Family, Only in the country