The Lucky Seven
Friday, 15 June 2012
My fellow writing buddy Rachael Johns has tagged me in the “The Lucky Seven” blog challenge. The challenge. Post seven lines from an unpublished work of fiction. I’ve chosen to post from Book 5, (I’m still yet to give it a title, nothing seems to suit at the moment). In this scene, you meet my
- Published in The Writer's Life
The Good Life by Lorna Madson
Tuesday, 12 June 2012
The Good Life It’s called the good life though I’m not sure why, The taxman and the elements sure can try, To break a man’s spirit when all else seems fine, To the body of this country, farming’s the spine. To most farmers it’s all they’ve ever known, And they’ll tell of good and
- Published in Poetry
Spoilt chooks
Monday, 04 June 2012
A while back we got a heap of chooks from a friend, and combined with ours it overloaded the chook pen. This weekend we (and in we I mean Hubby, while I held a few bits of tin when I had time) finally got the new shed finished. I counted my chooks a while
- Published in Events, Everyday Life, Family
Tuesday, 29 May 2012
Okay so my dog Sally has nothing to do with this blog on research, I just needed a nice picture and besides – she is famous after all. Did you know she was on page 3 of the Weekend Australian. 🙂 Now thanks to Karin, who asked about my research process, I will attempt
- Published in Everyday Life, The Writer's Life
My two minutes
Tuesday, 22 May 2012
Well the weekend just gone has been a busy one, but very exciting. Prior to the weekend I spent a whole day with photographer Colin trying to get a good photo for the Weekend Australian to go with their article. Because his boss was very vocal about how the shot should look, hence why it
- Published in Events, News, The Road Home
Cathryn Hein – Guest Blog
Thursday, 03 May 2012
My guest today writes about horses. Now I grew up with horses next door and was always in awe of them and have been on the back of a few over the years but I wouldn’t say I’m a rider. (I tend to stick with cars as they don’t have a mind of their own!!)
- Published in Guest Blogs