Today was my birthday and what better gift could I have than a box full of Heart of Gold turning up.
Sadly I had to work but the day was made fantasic when a friend dropped in for a coffee to celebrate. Even better, tonight we have book club and I’m looking forward to catching up with all the girls for drinks and a chin wag. (They are all going to read my book for this month! Eek…hope they all like it)
I can’t believe it was nearly two years ago that I was opening the box full of The Family Farm. It’s still the same awe, excitement and then sheer panic if no one likes it…then hubby reasured me that Penguin wouldn’t have printed it if it was shite. I know he’s right…right? LOL
So those people who won the competition, and the QLD Floods auction, your books will be heading out soon. And for those who haven’t heard me shouting it from the roof tops, Heart of Gold is already having a reprint of 2,500! I have a grin that you could drive a wide load through!