Christmas Lights 2013

Last year’s competition was so awesome that we just had to hold it again. After a very hot day (up to 40) we all gathered at the ‘Tree’ for a sausage sizzle while we waited for the sun to set. Here is just a few locals gathered around, the blokes (as usual) were positioned around

Christmas 2013

Our 87th community Christams Tree was on Saturday night. Lea and I had spent all week setting up for it, as well as our big two day trip to Perth. This is us, enjoying our cosy corner in the Hall. This year we had bouncy castles for the kids to jump on after Santa left.


Today my hubby had a day off, as they shut the bin due to the rain that had stopped harvest. So this morning we went up to the golf club to see how bad these nastsy weeds were. We managed to walk three holes and this big drum was nearly half full just from one


Yesterday my son and I jumped into the truck with my dad and headed out for a load. It’s hot and sweaty, dusty and sometimes itchy and there were spider webs….but besides all that it still is fun to go out for a ride. Here is my son, sitting up the back enjoying the ride.

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