My two minutes

Well the weekend just gone has been a busy one, but very exciting. Prior to the weekend I spent a whole day with photographer Colin trying to get a good photo for the Weekend Australian to go with their article. Because his boss was very vocal about how the shot should look, hence why it

Penguin Presents – Fiona Palmer

Not that long ago I blogged about the film crew that was in Pingaring, doing a doco for Penguin. Well it’s finally finished and Andre Sawenko has done a fantastic job putting all the shots together. (Especially my parts…I didn’t give him much to go on lol) So here it is, I hope you enjoy
I’ve been wanting to read and review a book for Australian Women Writers challenge for a while now, but everything I’ve read has been in my own genre or not relevant. So when I finally had time to pick up Bronwyn Parry’s new book Dead Heat, and finished it in record time (due to the

Cathryn Hein – Guest Blog

My guest today writes about horses. Now I grew up with horses next door and was always in awe of them and have been on the back of a few over the years but I wouldn’t say I’m a rider. (I tend to stick with cars as they don’t have a mind of their own!!)

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