Cover photo’s 2…

I have a great collection of road photo’s in this next lot. Huge thank you’s to all who have taken the time to send them in!! The above photo’s were by Nicole Townsend, lots of road shots! Cheers. Below are two great shots from Annaliese Geddes in NSW. Very nice. The last two are from

Cover photo’s cont…

And more photo’s are coming in, so here’s the next few. I love the colours in this photo of Lee’s. Those were taken by Lee Beattie and the one below by Lyn Kaye. Now this next one dosn’t have a road but I had to share Jess Milne’s photo. It’s very close to her heart

Photo’s for The Road Home

Already people have been so wonderful in wanting to share their photo’s. I hope we can find one the art department will want to use for the cover. Fingers crossed. If you have any sort of stunning pic with a road, please email it in and i’ll put it up. Here are a few so

Cover photo

My next book is at the editing stage…not long after that comes the cover design and looking for a great picture. I thought I would put the call out, as some of you may have a great photo that you have taken yourself and it would be great to see your own photo on a

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