Day Job

Two days a week I work at the local shop, Pingaring Agsolutions. We have everything a small town may need, groceries, alcohol, hardware, post, chemical, etc etc… And if i’m lucky i get to deliver chemical around seeding time, which means getting out an about. On Thursday I headed out to some local farmers, my

Karly Lane

Today i’m so excited to have Karly Lane as my guest blogger. ( Or Karlene Blakemore Mowle for her Wild Rose and Eternal Press books) Karly lives on the beautiful Mid North Coast of NSW in Australia. She is a mother of four children, (she needs an award right there just for that) and works

Pressing send

“Magic was happening. For Sarah, even from an early age, she felt the energy around her from the land. This afternoon was no different.” That is the start for Sarah’s Journey…for the moment at least before the editors get a hold of it!! So on Friday I finally finished my last minute read through before

Mt Gambier

On wednesday I drove to Perth and was lucky to catch up with Fleur Mcdonald. We caught up over pizza, wine and burbon. Fleur is such an easy person to talk to and we had so much to chat about, and never enough time to cover it all! Thursday morning I was up early and

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