Wind and dust!

We are waiting for the rain and instead get strong winds blowing up dust everywhere. Here’s a few couple before it really turned ugly! Not happy farmers today, having to watch their paddocks be blown away to another place. Its trying to rain but the wind shifts it before it can set in. Don’t park

Mothers Day lunch

Hope all mum’s had a great Mothers Day! To raise funds for our babysitter at our local golf club, the girls got together and put on a Mothers Day Lunch with all the trimmings. We had stalls with plants, jewellery, shoes, and had a massive cake stall and raffles. It was a great day and

The rock

We took the kids up ‘the rock’ before school started again and had a picnic in the cave at the top. It’s a beautiful place to go, and in winter is amazing looking out over the green golf course which is set around the rocks. The kids love climbing over the rocks and playing through


My hubby has been busy over the road at the CBH bin’s outloading last years grain. So busy that he couldn’t stop for lunch so we ran over some hot toasties and I took this pic of him working hard on the new Volvo loader inside the large Q type bin. He has been filling

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