Cathryn Hein – Guest Blog
Thursday, 03 May 2012
My guest today writes about horses. Now I grew up with horses next door and was always in awe of them and have been on the back of a few over the years but I wouldn’t say I’m a rider. (I tend to stick with cars as they don’t have a mind of their own!!)
- Published in Guest Blogs
Fleur McDonald – Guest Blog
Wednesday, 14 March 2012
Today, I’m very excited to have Fleur McDonald as my guest. Thanks Fleur! Her new book Purple Roads is out at the start of April and I’ve already spent a couple of days reading it. Lucky me! I won’t go into details as I’d hate to spoil it for everyone but I couldn’t put it
- Published in Guest Blogs
Competition Winners
Tuesday, 13 March 2012
The time has come to draw two winners for a signed copy of The Road Home. Thank you all for entering, it was fantastic to hear all about you. I loved reading your comments. Now, drum roll….. The first person drawn was Gabby! Congratulations Gabby, i’ll be sending you an email shortly asking for your
- Published in Giveaways, Guest Blogs, The Road Home
Margareta Osborn – Guest Blog
Wednesday, 29 February 2012
I’m very excited to bring Margareta Osborn to my blog as my guest author. (Along with Fleur, Margareta and I are apart of our Rural Writers Rock campaign.) I have been waiting for Bella’s Run to be out long before it was contracted. So finally, the day is here, and it’s very exciting. I met
- Published in Guest Blogs, Uncategorized
Author writing spaces
Wednesday, 12 October 2011
I have another photo of an authors area of writing. I had to wait for the lucky Kylie Ladd to come home from her travels but it was worth the wait to see such a gorgeous bookshelf. I read After the Fall a while back and loved how Kylie dived into all those complicated feelings.
- Published in Guest Blogs, Uncategorized
Author Areas
Wednesday, 28 September 2011
A few more pictures have come in so i’ll share these with you. This first one I’ve actually seen on TV. And I love the fact that Matthew likes to surround himself with toys, posters and figurines from his favourite movies to inspire him. He looks really happy to be there…sometimes I can’t stand my
- Published in Guest Blogs, The Writer's Life