Miss Polly
Friday, 16 April 2010
Meet Polly the little lamb. We are babysitting Polly for three days for my friend Renae. It’s amazing that Polly is still alive especially when you hear her story. Polly was born whilst her mum was still trying to give birth to Polly’s twin, a fox had decided to nibble away on her. When Renae
- Published in Only in the country, The Farmer's Life
The Golden Orb Spider
Monday, 22 March 2010
As I went to feed my chooks, something strong brushed me and I looked up to see this beauty (and then cringed, stepped away quickly and then felt like I had spiders crawling all over me!) Their webs are so thick it’s like walking into strong cotton. When we play golf there are heaps in
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The Tree
Friday, 19 March 2010
For those of you wondering what the ‘tree’ looks like, that I talk about or wrote about in The Family Farm, here is a picture. I did this up for a special friend leaving the district and I wanted her to take something of Pingaring with her. Everything in this photo frame came from the
- Published in Books, Only in the country, The Family Farm
Thunder storms
Tuesday, 23 February 2010
Got this pic of the storm over the A type bin across the road from our house. Wish I was at the top of the bin, I could have got some great pictures (along with getting fried mind you!).
- Published in Only in the country, The Farmer's Life
Friday, 12 February 2010
I’m in a bit of a sad place at the moment. You see, we just lost some valuable community members (one has already gone and one is soon to go). These girls will leave such a huge hole in our community for they were actively involved. Nameless volunteering and running fundraising events and more importantly
- Published in Only in the country, The Farmer's Life
Thunder Sunset
Thursday, 11 February 2010
I took this the other night. It was still hot and a thunder storm was swirling around us. I wish I could have captured the lightning that kept sparking along the sky through the sunset. The smell of the fresh rain and the tickle you get up your back when the thunder rolls through the
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Thursday, 28 January 2010
An eager boy waiting for bait so he can start fishing in the river. We were amazed at how low the river was since the last time we were there and the dead tree’s about after the hot scorcher they had only a few weeks back. It must have been real hot as birds were
- Published in Family, Only in the country
Little gilgies
Friday, 15 January 2010
We went out on Saturday for a swim and a small feed of gilgies..(or yabbies). We have always called them gilgies. These were a bit dirty and not overly huge but tasted great none the less. I love the claw meat, its just a bit more juicy and with a good homemade sauce, even better.
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Sunday, 10 January 2010
This is just a small sample of the fruit collected from one of my trees. The taste of fruit straight off the tree is so jucy and delicious…I swear you’d never buy rock hard fruit from the shop again. These are a cross between a nectarine and a peach. Mouth watering! We’ve been drying some
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Runaway truck
Monday, 21 December 2009
A local contractor had the unfortunate problem of his truck rolling away whilst he was in the sample hut waiting to for the results. It apparently started slow…then built up speed as it hit the slope and went through the fence, stopping just before the main road on the other side. Replacing three tyres and
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