Book winner
Friday, 01 February 2013
Okay, so I didn’t get around to drawing the comp this morning. I was up at 5.30 for a walk up to the top of the rock and back, getting home an hour later. Then I was in a mad flap to get the kids ready as I had to head into Katanning for the
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Another book released!
Friday, 23 March 2012
Well what can I say….it’s fantastic to have another book out on the shelves and the reviews so far have certainly made my year! Here are two recent ones. Book’dout Beauty and Lace And all the comments on my facebook page are wonderful. Thank you all so much for taking the time out to comment
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Margareta Osborn – Guest Blog
Wednesday, 29 February 2012
I’m very excited to bring Margareta Osborn to my blog as my guest author. (Along with Fleur, Margareta and I are apart of our Rural Writers Rock campaign.) I have been waiting for Bella’s Run to be out long before it was contracted. So finally, the day is here, and it’s very exciting. I met
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Friday, 13 January 2012
I have been walking in the mornings at 5.30am with my mum. Sometimes we walk around the paddocks behind our house and up to the rock. It takes us about an hour return trip walking fast. But as much as I hate getting out of bed it is so worth it. The air is
- Published in Everyday Life, Only in the country, Uncategorized
Bush Christmas Tree
Tuesday, 20 December 2011
We have one very special event in our little town every year, our community Christmas Tree. It was the 86th year in a row, this year. Myself and my mate Lea take delight in keeping this tradition going and every year we try to make each tree that little bit better. We start planing, then
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Author writing spaces
Wednesday, 12 October 2011
I have another photo of an authors area of writing. I had to wait for the lucky Kylie Ladd to come home from her travels but it was worth the wait to see such a gorgeous bookshelf. I read After the Fall a while back and loved how Kylie dived into all those complicated feelings.
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Cover shots
Sunday, 10 July 2011
My publisher asked me which photos best captured my setting in The Road Home. Well these are just a few that do… This next one was taken by Shannon Morton, and is from the wheatbelt area. This next photo was sent in by Colleen Goodwill from her Bodalla Station. And the last one was from
- Published in Events, News, The Road Home, Uncategorized
Cover photo’s 2…
Saturday, 02 July 2011
I have a great collection of road photo’s in this next lot. Huge thank you’s to all who have taken the time to send them in!! The above photo’s were by Nicole Townsend, lots of road shots! Cheers. Below are two great shots from Annaliese Geddes in NSW. Very nice. The last two are from
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