Before we went to Sydney for the RWA conference we stopped off in Melbourne to stay with my hubby’s nan in Yarraville, not far from the west gate bridge. Williamstown is also nearby, which we stopped at for fish and chips and treats while we looked over the water at the city.
While there, we went to Camberwell, where Penguin has its office and we got the tour and meet many of the people I email. I now have faces for all these names. The kids managed to behave until the last fifteen minutes so then we caught some trams to the Melbourne Museum.
I loved seeing the Titanic Artefact exhibition. Seeing the room re-creations of the first and third class and the grand staircase were amazing. The kids loved touching the wall of ice and my hubby liked the construction parts and the huge spanners. (the kids rushed through at a million miles an hour…so if you’re thinking of going, don’t take your kids if you can!! And Blake set off one of the sensors, no doubt breathing heavily over the glass box – ‘That’d be our boy’ said hubby. lol) But when we got out to the rest of the Museum we found Blake his dinosaur bones and he was happy! He didn’t like the room with all the stuffed animals…I didn’t like having to answer all his interesting questions either!