Meet Polly the little lamb. We are babysitting Polly for three days for my friend Renae. It’s amazing that Polly is still alive especially when you hear her story. Polly was born whilst her mum was still trying to give birth to Polly’s twin, a fox had decided to nibble away on her. When Renae had found her the fox had chewed off some of her ear and left a huge hole around her jaw. Apparently it was really bad, seeing bone etc…I wont go into yuckie details.
As her twin and mum had both died they took her home and didn’t think she’d last the night out. But she did – against all odds. She got an infection and struggled to walk and they kept thinking she wouldn’t make it but each morning there she was, battling on. To look at Polly now you’d never know.
Her face has healed well and also her ear…minus a chunk at the back of it.
But she’s the cutest lamb, and the kids love feeding her.
We keep her in the fruit tree enclosure to protect her from the nearby main road. But when we let her out she comes straight to me like I’m her mum and follows me. She also loves the dogs, as she’s grown up with them. Although this freaks out our dog! Gidget keeps backing away with a panicked look, while Polly keeps trying to snuggle close. Sadly she will be going home on Sunday (I’m sure the novelty would have worn off by then for the kids).