Well the weekend just gone has been a busy one, but very exciting. Prior to the weekend I spent a whole day with photographer Colin trying to get a good photo for the Weekend Australian to go with their article. Because his boss was very vocal about how the shot should look, hence why it took so long, we had a good idea that it wouldn’t be on page 9. So to finally get to Saturday and find this huge photo of me (and my dog Sally) along with all the covers of my book on page 3 was beyond amazing. I don’t think I realised just how cool and a big deal it was, until I saw it.
By the time he took this photo, I was totally out of smiles and doing a grimace while I squinted in the arvo sun. And my lovely Sally dog had a big sore on her face by her ear, which I’d sprayed with this bright pink spray. Luckily you can’t really see it. Oh, by the way Sally’s sore is all better now. 🙂
A day after the photo shoot I get an email from my publicist Dianne, to say she’s got me an interview with Weekend Sunrise in a few days time with Samantha Armytage and Andrew O’Keeffe. Well, when I picked myself up off the floor and headed back to work I began to stress. Actually, panic was more like it!! I couldn’t tell anyone until it was confirmed as I was worried that maybe I had imagined the whole thing. (or that it would fall through after I had told everyone lol)
They would also show some of my Penguin Presents clip, showcasing my little town of Pingaring. Very awesome.
So I headed to the big smoke of Perth on Saturday arvo, to a fancy hotel I’d never stayed at. Thank you Penguin. (I also did some CBD dancing as my Navman took me in wrong directions. Sometimes its just easier if I find things myself.) At the hotel I couldn’t believe that they parked my own car and would get it for me at any time. Even early morning. I wasn’t used to this!
With an early night I hit the hay, only to toss and turn and wonder if I’d wake up at 4am in time to get organised. (Yes, I still had my phone alarm set…just didn’t trust it) Anyway I tossed and turned all night, waking up at half hour intervals sometimes. Maybe I was panicing just a little.
Just before 5.30am I headed towards the Channel 7 studio, enjoying the empty streets. After signing in, Paul came to get me. Little did I know it was just us in the whole place! Which then made me feel bad that he’d had to get up just for me.
Inside we went through a few doorways and then I walk into a big dark room. Futher in, behind the lights is THE desk, all lit up. The same desk I see every night on TV with the news. I was going to sit at that desk. (When I got home and was watching the TV, the news came on and I’m telling hubby, ‘that desk, I sat there!’) I was a little excited. lol
Paul gave me the ear piece and I set up the black mic on my top. Then I had to wait. I had a huge row of lights bearing down on me above the camera, which I had to look into. While I was waiting I could hear Weekend Sunrise going on and when they cut to a break I could hear the band warming up and Sam and Andrew chatting. Then the audio guy in Sydney came over the top to do a sound check. It was all very new and exciting. The break before my interview came on and Sam had a quick chat with me, which is weird when you can’t see them. But they could see me.
When the interview was over Paul came up and said that the echo in the ear piece shouldn’t have been there but I did well to cope with it. To tell you the truth, at that point, I couldn’t remember any of the interview!
But for those who missed it, here is the link to the Sunrise interview.
For me, it was a bit of a blur. I jumped back in my car, my phone was running hot with all my friends and family in the eastern states who had watched it live. Meanwhile I headed back to my hotel room, to eat my breakfast and wait to watch it hours later. I think I was more nervous waiting to watch it than being at the studio. But I’m glad I had that opportunity to get the rural lit genre out there.
I look back and wish I’d had more time to say things. (I was so nervous my mind went blank a few times and my mouth just dribbled out the first thing that came to mind…NOT always a good thing in my case!) To stress that we don’t just write a simple romance but have serious issues that deal with depression, suicides, loss of farms and much more. I love this rural genre and I’m proud that it can showcase our amazing lifestyle. I’m a proud country girl and I love my little town. So glad I got to share it with you all.
Thanks 🙂
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