Well I spent two days in Newdegate for the field days…and boy was it cold. I was lucky to be invited to attend as this year they had set up a Women in Agriculture tent. It was a brilliant idea and I got to meet so many wonerful people. Victoria Brown was one of them. www.victoriabrownpoet.com.au A wonderful lady and a born entertainer. I had the pleasure of listening to her perform a few poems and my favourite was The Local Elders Man. She hails from Esperance way, a friend of Fleur’s. Even though Fleur couldn’t make it, Esperance was represented well.
We also got to hear from the Rural Woman of the Year, Sue Middleton. Some great topics were discussed! Also the tent had poems, short stories and photo’s of women in agriculture. A large map sat on a table for everyone to pin a flag on where they had come from…very interesting.
In our special tent was a chef who was cooking some marvoulous things, the aroma certainly set my tummy off. Wednesday arvo we had a local Hyden farmer cook some steaks to go with the beer tasting. My husband brought the kids over and they got their faces painted, show bags, special balloons and their fair share of fun. Your wallet is sooo much lighter when you leave. I finally managed to dodge the rain to get my bacon spud from the van and a bag full of donughts. Yep, I was in heaven lol.