We’ve had Sally for about a month now and she has fitted in so well. (yes that is grass hanging off her lip LOL) My 7yr old daughter plays mum and cradles her in her arms a lot. Sally will be one adjusted dog. Her little personality is really shining through. Our older dog Gidget, who is 13, is getting less grumpy and lets Sally play with her…when no one is looking. I spent ten minutes watching them play the other day…when I should have been writing. But they were too cute to resist.

As for our little chicks, we still have all 6 and they’re not so little anymore. I’ve lost a hen (it died…i’m not sure why) and we (as in my husband) got rid of our two roosters…they can now ‘cockadoodle doo’ to their hearts content. Hopefully now they are gone the hen’s will get their feathers back and will have some peace. I’m not letting them out at the moment as our fruit tree’s are loaded and they love the apricot trees. Little buggers stripped off all the leaves they could reach last time they were in there, not to mention the grape vine.

Last pic of Sally…who likes taking washing from the basket and cart it around the house!


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