Guest Blog – Karly Lane
Tuesday, 08 January 2013
by Admin
Today I have the wonderful Karly Lane over for a chat. Her new book Bridies Choice is out now (and on its way to me in the post. Hurry up Mr Postman). I can’t wait to see what Karly has cooked up for us again. I’m sure there will be plenty of laugh out loud
- Published in Books, Guest Blogs
Karly Lane – Guest Blog
Sunday, 29 April 2012
by Admin
I’m very excited to bring you author of rural romance (with suspense) the lovely Karly Lane. Author of North Star and new release Morgan’s Law. It’s out now, just in time for Mothers Day!! I can’t wait to get my hands on a copy! As I read I can hear Karly’s voice and her humour
- Published in Guest Blogs
Karly Lane
Monday, 16 May 2011
by Admin
Today i’m so excited to have Karly Lane as my guest blogger. ( Or Karlene Blakemore Mowle for her Wild Rose and Eternal Press books) Karly lives on the beautiful Mid North Coast of NSW in Australia. She is a mother of four children, (she needs an award right there just for that) and works
- Published in Books, Guest Blogs