These two photos were taken by Sal Edwards. I really love the top one, Sal!!
The three below are from Claire Hodgetts, and I got a heap more from her as well. Some great shots Claire, thanks.
This is a photo I took a few years back, there is more road but for some reason when I loaded it up it cut it off!! Not impressed…but I have no idea how to fix it lol. This is on a part of my uncle’s farm, which we call Jack Dot’s, as he was the previous owner before my grandad brought the farm.
And this last one is of my two little ratbags. I found it while searching through my photos and had to share it with you all. Taken quite a few years back, maybe 5 years! It was seeding time and we were visiting Uncle Mocka and Aunty Di on Gumlea. They were so little. Oh where have the years gone!!